
Adding a New Package in Master Data

To make understand easily, Package section in master data  is been divided into three sections.

1. Package Info
2. Product Info
3. Service Info

Package Info:

1. Sort Order:
Based on the package priority, ordering the packages in a suitable list as per providers  wish.

2. Package Name:
Name of the package, Provided by the company.

3. Package Description:
Package is nothing but, Offering more than one service.

4. Disclaimer:
Providing important information to the customers, Regarding payments, shipments, etc.

Product Info:

Service Info:

1. Name: Name of the product / service, Provided by the company.

2. Category: 
In which category, This product / service will be provided. Such as delivery, removal, cutting, repairing, etc.

3. Type: What are the different products / services provided by this company. Such as installation, fabrication, Add ons, Etc.

4. Group: Based on the quality of the service / products will fix classes for that item. Such as premium, basic, level 1, precious, etc.

5. Price Range: 
Price level for different groups, Will be varied for both service and product

6. Taxable: 
Few services / Products may avail taxable payments.  

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