
How to Setup Master System for a Stone Industry !


  • Availability of stocks,the finished product that is sold by the business. 
  • In some cases, stock is also raw materials, if the business also sells those products to the consumers
  • Non-stock items can be bought and sold, but they are not tracked in inventory like stock items.
  • A common example would be materials that are purchased for a specific job.When you sell a non-stock item, no cost gets associated with that sale so you can’t determine profit for that item.

Price List:
  •  A price list is an item that you can create and use in your pricing table, during setting up the proposal.  
  • A price list can also be created for building the proposal.
  • Price lists can be a combination of Services/Products. You can also configure Discounts, Taxes and Currency for each price list.

Services & Packages:
  • Service Packages represent slices of the Physical things that address specific services like transportation and delivery.
  • A service package collects together several different subsystems, equipment packages and things flows that provide the desired service. 


  • A customer is an individual or business that purchases the goods or services produced by a business. 
  • The customer is the end goal of businesses, since it is the customer who pays for supply and creates demand.

  • A supplier is an entity that supplies goods and services to another organization. This entity is part of the supply chain of a business, which may provide the bulk of the value contained within its products. 
  • A supplier is usually a manufacturer or a distributor. A distributor buys goods from multiple manufacturers and sells them to its consumers.


  • A vendor is a person who sells or deals in particular goods or services. 
  • All of the entities in a supply chain that leads up to the final delivery of goods or services to a customer are considered vendors.


  • An associate is a fellow worker or a mediator in a business.



  • A location contracted to produce products, at different locations for customer beneficiary.


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